The next generation’s in ability to thrive is closely tied to the support of the local community. Lions and Leos have seen and felt the effects of cancer on children and their families, and continue to bring hope through tangible service and support.
Global Statistics
Each year, more than 300,000 children are diagnosed with cancer globally. This means that a child is diagnosed with cancer every 2 minutes.
Globally, 37% of children with cancer survive, but survival rates vary widely by region.
In 2018, the World Health Organization launched the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer with the goal of reaching at least 60% survival rate for children with cancer by 2030. The Initiative brings together stakeholders from around the world and across sectors towards the common goal
LCIF has begun working with the Initiative to explore new ways in which Lions can help children with cancer in their communities.
We have formed partnerships with the Terry Fox Run to End Cancer which we have been supporting for 25 years by providing a BBQ's, the Canadian Cancer Society, and the Shine Through the Rain Foundation.