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Lions Internaional Hunger Logo

Hunger is a problem without borders. We’re offering grants, programs and initiatives to help Lions make huge strides in providing meals and nutrition for those in need—in hopes that one day no child will ever have to live without knowing when their next meal will come. 


Global Statistics


More than 820 million people do not have enough to eat, corresponding to about one in every nine people in the world.

A broader look at food insecurity beyond severe levels and hunger reveals that an additional 1.3 billion people have experienced food insecurity, meaning they did not have regular access to nutritious and sufficient food.

The combination moderate and severe levels of food insecurity brings the estimated total to 26.4% of the world population, amounting to 2 billion people.

We have formed partnerships with the Newmarket Food Pantry. the Central York Salvation Army, the Women's Center of York Region, and the York Region Children's Aid Society, for the benefit of our Community. 


During the Christmas Holiday Season, members work with all of these organizations, to ensure that families in the area that are in need receive food, clothing, and toys for the children.  

Salvation Army Logo wihich says Giving Hope Today Comunity and Family Services
Newmarket Food Pantry Logo
Sleeping Children around the World Logo

Sleeping Children Around the World

We support Sleeping Children Around the World, a Foundation that provides bed kits, school uniforms, shoes, and school supplies for children in third world countries.

Sleeping Children Around the World we sponored with bed kits picture

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Lions International Vision Logo
Lions International Hunger Logo
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 ©  2020  ---  Created For  The Web Site Of   " North Newmarket Lions Club"

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