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Vision Screening
Lions International Vision Logo

Ever since Helen Keller inspired us to champion the cause in 1925, we’ve served and advocated for the blind and visually impaired. Nearly a century later, this long-standing mission continues unhindered.



Lions Vision Screening Logo

We are involved in Sight Conservation Projects. The members  participates in a program in which Children are Vision Screened while they are in Senior Kindergarten. If any issues are identified, correspondence is set home to the Child's parent, suggesting that an appointment be made with a Healthcare Professional.  This type of screening is done to ensure that children don't have any sight impediments that effect the way in which they learn. 

Donate Your Old Eyeglasses Select Logo Below

Lions Donate Your Old Eyeglasses with a Lion wearing eyeglasses image


We collect used eyeglasses for our Eyeglass Recycling project. Once collected, these eyeglasses are sent to the Lions Canadian Eyeglass Recycling Center, in Calgary, where the prescription is determined, and they are distributed all over the World, for those in need.


For more information check out this link:


​North Newmarket Lions Club Eyeglass Recycling boxes are located in the following locations in the Town of Newmarket:


1. Eyephoria Optique – 16635 Yonge Street, Phone #: 905-836-2277


2. Dr. Benson and Dr. Rita Louie – 16880 Yonge Street, Unit 3, 

    Phone #: 905-830-2903


3. Region of York Administration Centre – 17250 Yonge Street – Cafeteria


4. Hakim Optical – 17355 Yonge Street,  Phone #: 905-830-9900


5. Pearle Vision – 17600 Yonge Street,  Phone #: 905-895-3131


6. Walmart Optical – 17940 Yonge Street,  Phone #: 905-715-7293


7. Real Canadian Superstore Optical – 18120 Yonge Street, 

    Phone #: 905-830-4072


8. Eyes on Stonehaven – 665 Stonehaven Avenue Phone #:905-235-7500


9. Chalaturnyk/Bridge Optometric – 679 Davis Drive – Suite 321

     Phone #: 905-898-5149  


10. Gole Eyeworks and FYI Eye Care – (formally Yorkview) 1100 Davis Drive     

 Phone #: 905-895-8668


11. Hakim Optical – 1111 Davis Drive,  Phone #: 905-830-0144


12. Newmarket Public Library – 438 Park Avenue,  Phone #: 905-953-5110 


Lions Reading Action Program image which says In a world of Service

Reading Action Program

The Reading Action Program is part of a Lions International  initiative to promote youth literacy worldwide.

The Newmarket Lions started the program 6 years ago in selected s junior and senior kindergarten classes in Newmarket public schools. 

This is our third year working with the Newmarket Lions and Lioness distributing about 1200 books in 11 schools in 2019.

Children get to pick their “forever book” from a large selection. Stamped with “this book belongs to “their Name and Lions logo sticker on the inside cover



CNIB Lake Joe


At CNIB Lake Joe, people living with sight loss and their families can enjoy the same summer pursuits as other Canadians: canoeing, campfires, kayaking, cycling, waterskiing, swimming, sailing and fishing. Plus, there’s skills training, confidence building and support from a community that understands living with sight loss. 

Since 1961, CNIB Lake Joe has been providing a unique blend of recreation and skills development in a safe, inclusive environment. Dedicated to providing enriching experiences for Canadians with sight loss, it's a one-of-a-kind camp in Canada. Located in the heart of Muskoka, CNIB Lake Joe is an accessible lakefront property that stretches over 12.5 acres on the northwest corner of beautiful Lake Joseph.



We support CNIB Lake Joe in sponsoring individuals with vision loss.  


CNIB Lake Joe Logo


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 ©  2020  ---  Created For  The Web Site Of   " North Newmarket Lions Club"

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