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Youth Service Projects

We support other Community Events and Community Organizations, such as the Annual Terry Fox Run to End Cancer,  the Newmarket Baseball Association, who has participated in our Change for Canines Project, the Annual Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl For Kids Sake, the Xtreme Drummers of Bogart Public School, the Navy League, Sea and Air Cadets of Newmarket, the 3rd Newmarket Scout Tree. and the Annual York Region Media Group Festival of the Arts. 


We are a long time Supporter of Community Living Newmarket/Aurora, and the Annual March Break Newmarket House League Hockey Tournament. 


We support higher education. Each year High School Students receive Community Service Hours, during Lions Events, and at the end of 

the School year, the members attend Graduation Ceremonies and award Bursaries to deserving students, so that they can continue their education.  


We support the in District A-16 Effective Speaking Tournament and has members who participants in judging on March 28, 2020.


 Our goal is to provide an opportunity for competitive speaking and to stimulate self-expression and independent thinking among students. The contest is open to students enrolled in public or private schools or their equivalent in Multiple District “A-16”.  


Winners of the local contests compete at the District final on Saturday March 28, 2020 at Trinity United Church in Newmarket. (461 Park Ave., the corner of Park Ave. and Main St.) The event will begin at 9:00A.M.


The winners of this competition will represent District A-16 at the Multiple District A held in Sarnia on the week-end of April 17,18,19th. Each successful candidate representing A16 will have their room and meals covered for themselves and one parent.   


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